Our Beginnings

  • 1980: ILC starts as Sociedad de Inversiones y Rentas La Construcción, which is the investment vehicle for the CChC
  • 1981: The Company is one of the founding shareholders of AFP Habitat, under the new individual social security system
  • 1984: A new legal regime for health services enables the CChC to form a private corporation called “Instituto de Salud Previsional de la Construcción”, today known as Isapre Consalud
  • 1985: The life insurance company “Compañía de Seguros de Vida La Construcción” is created
  • 1996: ILC partners with Citigroup to jointly control AFP Habitat
  • 1997: The Company creates “Desarrollos Educacionales”, in order to develop and operate educational establishments in Chile
  • 2001: ILC enters the e-business through the creation of iConstruye, a platform for the construction industry
  • 2004: The Company divests its insurance business by selling all its shares in Seguros de Vida La Construcción to Bicecorp
  • 2008: Red Salud is created as a parent company to manage and control ILC’s healthcare operation
  • 2009: ILC re-enters the insurance sector by acquiring RBS Seguros de Vida, which is renamed Vida Cámara
  • 2010: ILC terminates its joint control agreement with Citigroup involving its interest in AFP Habitat

Opening to the Market, other Businesses and Countries

  • 2011: ILC is registered in the CMF and effectively completes its first bond placement in the Chilean market
  • 2011: Compañía de Seguros Vida Cámara enters the supplemental health and life insurance industry
  • 2012: ILC successfully completes its initial public offering raising US$468 million, being one of the largest IPO in Chilean history
  • 2013: ILC sells 51% of Desarrollos Educacionales to the British group Cognita
  • 2013: AFP Habitat starts operations in Peru, after winning the first tender for new members in the Peruvian private pension system
  • 2013: Vida Cámara enters the Peruian market by being awarded part of the tender offer for Disability and Survivor Insurance
  • 2013: ILC acquires 67% of Inversiones Confuturo (formerly Corp Group Vida Chile), which controls the life insurance companies Confuturo (formerly Corpvida and Corpseguros)
  • 2014: ILC acquires the remaining shares of Confuturo held by Mass Mutual, increasing its stake in Inversiones Confuturo to 72.4%
  • 2015: ILC invests US$100 million to acquire 50.6% of Banco Internacional and 50.1% of Factoring Baninter and Baninter Corredora de Seguros, enabling the Company to enter the Chilean banking industry

Organizational Structure Ready to Face Growth

  • 2016: ILC partners with Prudential Financial Inc. to control AFP Habitat, in order to strengthen its presence in the Latin American pension industry
  • 2016: The Company acquires minority interests in Inversiones Confuturo (US$75 million) and Red Salud (US$15 million)
  • 2016: ILC sells its participation in iConstruye and Desarrollos Educacionales, to focus on the financial and health sectors
  • 2017: ILC acquired Vida Camara Peru in order to focus Vida Camara Chile in the supplementary health insurance business
  • 2018: ILC was selected as a member of the Dow Jones Sustainability Index  MILA (which brings together the companies of the Pacific alliance) and DJSI Chile
  • 2019: ILC reached 67% ownership in Banco Internacional and Factoring Baninter through a Public Offering of Acquisition of Shares (OPA)
  • 2019: Confuturo and Corpseguros shareholders’ meetings approved the merger of both companies. This rule started after the approval of the Financial Market Commission
  • 2019: AFP Habitat enters Colombia through the acquisition of the Colombian pension fund manager AFP Colfondos
  • 2021: The Pension Fund Manager was split into: AFP Habitat S.A. and a new company Administradora Americana de Inversiones S.A. (AAISA)
  • 2021: ILC's first external risk rating: BBB+ by S&P and BBB by Fitch
  • 2021: ILC's share buyback program is approved
  • 2022: ILC issues first international 144A bond for US$ 300 million