Red Salud is the largest inpatient, outpatient and dental network in Chile. The Company was established in April 2008 to develop a national network of healthcare providers.
In 2016 ILC increased its stake in Red Salud from 89.9% to 99.9%, after acquiring the minority interest maintained by Mutual de Seguridad.
Help people to live longer and better with comprehensive medical and dental care, focused on patients and their families. Our commitment is to provide a wide range of services, with high quality standards, in accordance with the principles and values of the Chilean Construction Chamber.
Be a national benchmark for private medical and dental healthcare, recognized for its wide range of services, prestige, excellent working environment, and capacity to respond the population’s healthcare requirements.
Service Network
Red Salud has an extensive network of outpatient centers and
hospitals throughout Chile, which includes 1,000 beds, 1,000 medical
consultation rooms, 120 emergency treatment rooms, 430 dental
treatment rooms and 75 operating rooms.
The Network
Red Salud has an extensive network of outpatient centers and hospitals throughout Chile, from Arica to Punta Arenas:
- Megasalud: approximately 42 outpatient centers
- Private hospitals in the Metropolitan Region: RedSalud Vitacura
(formerly Tabancura), RedSalud Providencia (formerly Avansalud),
RedSalud Santiago (formerly Bicentenario)
- Private regional hospitals: RedSalud Iquique Hospital,
RedSalud Elqui Hospital in La Serena, RedSalud Rancagua
Hospital, RedSalud Valparaíso Hospital, RedSalud Mayor Hospital
in Temuco and RedSalud Magallanes Hospital in Punta Arenas
- Associated hospital: Viña del Mar Hospital
- Oncosalud: oncological network of 18 care centers
What Defines Red Salud?
Large private healthcare provider in Chile that serves all socio-economic segments, providing medical solutions for all levels of complexity.
Board of Directors
Paula Daza N.
Vice Chairman:
Gabriel Barros S.
Pedro Cubillos M.
Marie Paule Ithurbisquy L.
Guillermo Elgueta S.
Luis Nario L.
Vicente Bertrand D.